It ain't a come back -- Another untimely short update
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Well time for another short and untimely update. =.=
First off, I'd like to say "Congratulations!" to none other than Schweetieplumsh for beating me up in Audition last night. =.= Well... She didn't give me a fighting chance so this is in no way complaining that I lost to her because I was a noob (which she pointed out in her last blog post). =.= Audi's just not my game.
Anyway, other than that, update to myself, I need to put some more things to the blog. Namely:
- A site-meter - for me to measure how many people checks this sad excuse for a blog
- Another Link-back section - yes some more link backs to sites I visit and the like.
- (put something else)
- (put something else which is not like No. 3) and
- (put something else which is not like No. 4)
Those are just 5 things I need to put in this blog. Oh and maybe a better skin. =.=
Hopefully the next updates will have more of the things happening in my fish tank. You'll be in for a surprise for what's up and comming.
For now... this is just another short... and... untimely update.