
When I was still a kid -- How I got into music

Now Playing: This Too Shall Pass - OK Go!

The first ever guitar that I picked up to learn and play music was an Ibanez Roadstar II.  A 1980's model that my dad kept on playing in their gigs.  You could say it was what inspired me to follow my dad's footsteps.  And because of that, we had some father-and-son arguments about my and his guitar playing style.

As I grew up I developed a liking towards the lower registers and picked up a bass.  We never had arguments about music ever since.  Well...  Let's just say we don't argue that much anymore.  LOL!

My dad also owns a 1980 Fender Stratocaster that he used more often in gigs and sessions.  My dad decided to bring the Roadstar to their rehearsal studio so the guitar won't die or rust and weathering.  Unfortunately his friend and bandmate took the liberty of tweaking the guitar...  I'm not sure how much work was done on the guitar but my dad said it lost one of its vintage tuning pegs and one of its back covers.  So I asked him to take the guitar back keep it at home and maybe one of these days I'll pick it up to have it checked up by some luthier for restoration.

When I get it back, I will have it restored.  And maybe kept in a glass case.  It is of course one of the things that I would end up keeping from my dad.

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